
Mostrando las entradas de julio, 2019

Evaluation of my blogging experience

Since 2017 (when I finished  school) I haven't practiced my English. I think that writing blogs this year has helped me so much to improve my knowledge and remember the words and the phrases that I had forgotten. I think that this activity helps a lot, because besides it works to practice more your english, it allows you to know more about your classmates and teacher, like knowing what  their favourite book, series, movie, etc is. Personally, I learn things best when I write about something specific, more than when I talk, and writing blogs all this semester I think has improved my abilities in english. Besides, learning to write correctly in english is the first step to start to talk in a good form in english. I remember that in school, I loved writing in english, because my teacher made us write in english a lot too. In the future I would like to continue with the blogs, but now with topics related to our carreer, Odontology, to start internalizing the words and the i