
Mostrando las entradas de mayo, 2019

A photograph I like

In this photo, I'm standing with one of my best friends in a waterfall from Cajon del maipo. We went this year, in summer holidays; she invited me to her house in this place, and we went with all his family. I'm not sure, but I think that this picture was took for his cousin, and I remember that we were planning to pose for the photo, but it was impossible because it was a lot of wind. I love this picture for many reasons. First, because I've never been in this place before, and I loved it. I think that it was a really beautiful place to took a photograph, and I remember, that it was a very peaceful and relaxing place. Another reason it's because it's a spontaneous photo, in wich we appear laughning and having a good time like always when we are together, besides we don't have many photos together, because we don't have so much time to get togheter, thinking that we know each other only since last year, in the pre-university. The last reason it's bec

My favorite film

Hi everyone! today I'm going to talk about my favorite film, called "Always by your side (Hachiko)". I think that most people have seen this movie, especially if you love the dogs. There's so much reasons why I love this movie, and why it's my favorite. First, I have to say that I love the dogs, whatever their race, and with this movie I confirm that a dog can really be the most faithful animal in the world. The history, it's so well narred and starred, that it's impossible for you don't be moved with it, and that's the fisrt reason why it's my favorite movie. Secondly, beacuse the movie it's based in a true story, where a dog called Hachiko (like in the movie) waited for his owner in the same place, at the same time, and every day until the day of his death. Knowing that it isn't a fictional history, allows you to move even more with the movie. And the third reason, it's a little bit masochistic. I love watch this movie the