
Mostrando las entradas de abril, 2019

My Favourite Piece Of Technology

I use so many types of techonoly in my day to day, and since I'm living with my uncle, I spent the majority of the time alone, so I don't have so much time to cook my food, so I buy frozen food, or keep food that my mom cook during the week in the refrigerator and when I come to my uncle's home, I put it in the microwave to eat it after. If I have to choose some piece of technology, I would have to choose the cellphone. I've started to use it when I have 10 years old and since that day, I couldn't leave it. Technically, I can use it to everything. In holidays I use it so much more, to see videos in Youtube, to talk with my friends, or to use instagram. But now that I'm the university, it's essential for me to another uses. Although I don't have so much time now to see videos, or see instagram, I use it to look for information about something realtioned with some subject. To me, it's easier to use than the computer, because it's faster and I got

My carreer choice

When I was a child, I didnt know exactly what I  wanted to study. I always liked maths, and chemistry, but never found a carrer connected with that subjects that I really  liked  Although I like biology, I was never so fan of that asignature, or at least not like maths or chemistry, but I was clear that I liked so much the science, and the investigation, so I start to investigate about health carreers, and one of that called my attention: the nutricion. My sister it's a nutricionist, and I always loved what she was studying. I always investigate about food, their components, how to have a healthy diet, etc. Actually I still love that topics, but now, found a job in that area its so complicated, because they'are so much nutricionist in Chile , so I discarded it. One day, I was looking the TV, and i saw a girl that was a dentist, and started to talk about the carrer, since that day, i'm in love with the odontology. The part that I most like about this carrer, is that

My Autobiography

I was born in Santiago, Chile. I have 19 years old and I have a brother called Gustavo, and a sister called Alejandra, both older than me. I have a dog too, called Dulce, that technically grew with me  All my life i've lived with my parents, in Maipú, but actually i`m living with my uncle, because her house it's nearest to my university; i stay there five days at week, and the weekends i come back to my house. I left the school in 2017 and after that, i gave for the first time the PSU, with the idea to gives  me a   sabbatical year; so i take it,  which i did a pre-university, to prepared me well to take the PSU again.  I always wanted to study Odontology, so after the results of the test, i started to study Odontology in Universidad de Chile. Until now, i love what i’m studying, and the people that i have come to know, they are so kind and friendly, and although i haven’t had many matters related with the teeths, every time i convinced me that it’s what i wanted to do the