My carreer choice

When I was a child, I didnt know exactly what I  wanted to study. I always liked maths, and chemistry, but never found a carrer connected with that subjects that I really  liked 

Although I like biology, I was never so fan of that asignature, or at least not like maths or chemistry, but I was clear that I liked so much the science, and the investigation, so I start to investigate about health carreers, and one of that called my attention: the nutricion. My sister it's a nutricionist, and I always loved what she was studying. I always investigate about food, their components, how to have a healthy diet, etc. Actually I still love that topics, but now, found a job in that area its so complicated, because they'are so much nutricionist in Chile , so I discarded it.

One day, I was looking the TV, and i saw a girl that was a dentist, and started to talk about the carrer, since that day, i'm in love with the odontology. The part that I most like about this carrer, is that I can help another people, and more than the cosmetic area, I want to work in the public service, and help people that really have a bad dental health.

Before I started to study odontology, I started to doubt between medicine and odontyology. I wanted medicine, just to specialize in nutriology (a little bit more specializated than the nutricion), but think in medicine it was something more difficult,and it wasn't exactlly what i wanted, added that I never have been considered study medicine until that day, also while more researched about the odontology, I fell more in love with that carreer. 

Now that I start to study odontology in the Universidad de Chile, I totally convinced that it's where I want to be, the people are so friendly and kind, and although some subjects are a little bit difficult, many of them are beggining to like me. 


  1. I love science too. I think we can make an investigation about health problems. :D

  2. I am glad that you are totally conviced of studying dentistry, I hope you can achieve many more dreams in your life.

  3. very beautiful story hopefully your dreams are fulfilled :)

  4. That good to be able to be companions of career, I hope to grow together as friends and dentists jajja


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