My Autobiography

I was born in Santiago, Chile. I have 19 years old and I have a brother called Gustavo, and a sister called Alejandra, both older than me. I have a dog too, called Dulce, that technically grew with me 
All my life i've lived with my parents, in Maipú, but actually i`m living with my uncle, because her house it's nearest to my university; i stay there five days at week, and the weekends i come back to my house.
I left the school in 2017 and after that, i gave for the first time the PSU, with the idea to gives  me a   sabbatical year; so i take it,  which i did a pre-university, to prepared me well to take the PSU again. 
I always wanted to study Odontology, so after the results of the test, i started to study Odontology in Universidad de Chile.
Until now, i love what i’m studying, and the people that i have come to know, they are so kind and friendly, and although i haven’t had many matters related with the teeths, every time i convinced me that it’s what i wanted to do the rest of my life.


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