My future job

Since I was a child I wanted to be a dentist. This idea arose because I was watching TV, and in a program appeared one girl that was a dentist. At that moment I decided that I wanted to be like her, because it showed that she loved what was doing, and obviously loved her job.

Now that I'm studying this career, I can say that I make the right choice, and I want to work as a dentist when I finish this.

I would like to work in a hospital first, because my purpose is to help poor people, as I know that go to the dentist is so expensive, and I think that help to people that really need it it's so beautiful. Also, I think that work with those people is the best "school", I mean that is where you really learn things and gain more experience.

After that, I want to travel, obviously, I want to gain as much experience as possible, and there's not another way to make it to know other countries and other cultures, because oral health in Chile can be very different from other countries.

About the salary, I think that everyone already knows that a dentist gains so much money, especially if you are a surgeon or orthodontist. The surgeries call my attention, I'm thinking in  do my specialization in that, after work in a hospital. I don't know anything about amounts, but I really hope to have a good salary.

I want to have a major in the future, I don't know in what yet, maybe will be oral and maxillofacial surgeon. I want to make one because it opens many doors to find a good job.


  1. HAHAHA chama you future job it sounds amazing. I my case, I never wanted to study dentistry, but also I study the same career that you.

  2. You seem to be a person with a good heart, I hope you can achieve all your goals

  3. I love that you always wanted to be a dentist.

  4. I also think that working with people who really need it gives you a lot of experience

  5. Is kind of rare to have someone that wanted to study dentistry, still is nice to have the determination since child.

  6. It sounds wonderful, I know yopu can do it!

  7. I hope u reach ur goal and become the besto dentist

  8. Nice! I want to start in a hospital too. <3


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