Post Graduate Studies

I'm in the first year of my career, dentistry, and I think that it's rushed to think of a specialization yet. I have some ideas, especially because we have a subject called Destrezas, where some specialists went to talk to us about their specializations, and that served to know more about it. There were two of those specializations that called my attention, imageology and maxillofacial surgery.

The first one, I think that called my attention because the girl that made that class represented her ideas very well and display in a way that made the specialty looks very interesting.
Maxillofacial surgery I think that it's closer to what I really want, because it has more "action", and it's so related to anatomy (that it's my favorite subject) because you have to know so good head and neck.

I think that is important to have a specialization, because it opens many doors to find a good job, especially if you make the course abroad (in a good place, like New Zeland).

I would like to have a part-time course, because I want to work like a "general dentist" when I finish my career in Chile, and when I finish my workday, go to the university to make the course.

All this is just an idea, I don't have a specific plan yet, I think that I will put it on the road. The only thing that I'm almost sure, is that I want to finish my studies in another country, I don't know where and in what, but is one of my goals.


  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. Not a big fan of doing a surgery, but maxillofacial surgery seem's a very interesting topic teorically.

  3. imageology is a good specialty but unfortunately it is undervalued

  4. You want the same master´s degree that I want it, but I forgive you chama hahahaha.

  5. wow, few people want to specialize in imageology!!

  6. I also wnat that speciality, I hope that one day you can achieve it

  7. Surgery, an interesting specialization. Amazing!

  8. Nice I think in maxillofacial surgery too, its very ineresting but very difficult! Succes for all, you are amazing :D


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