
Mostrando las entradas de junio, 2019

A subject I enjoyed studying this semester

The subject that I enjoyed studying this semester is chemistry. This subject is the science that study the composition, structure and properties of matter, and changes of energy that experiment the matter during a chemical reaction. This subject, it's useful specially in the medicine, because thanks to the chemistry, it's possible to create the medicines for many disseases. I love this subject for many reasons. Fisrt, I have to say that I love study chemistry since I start to have this subject in the school. At the begging, it wasn't easy to me undersand this subject, because it was something new to me (the structure of the atom, the chemical reactions, and others). I really wanted to understand it, so I study very hard, until I finally did it. I think that it's importat understand this subject from the beginning, because if you don't understand the basic concepts, it's going to be so difficult understand the topics that will be seen in later years. I think

A career-related website that I enjoy visiting

Now that I'm in the university, it's so important that you use reliable and certified internet pages. One of my favourites pages to search information for is  SciELO. This page, has a lot of papers and articles about many things, a lot of them are experiments with animals, or studies based on people. I like this page because it's in Spanish, and it's easier for me to search for the information in cases of emergency. I'm using this page so much because I have to make an ABP, that is an oral presentation about some topic that your teacher gives you. In my case, I have to talk about pesticides and malformations, and there isn't so much information about that, or at least, nothing concrete. For that reason, this page has helped me a lot, because it has a lot of experiments with animals and epidemiological studies. Since I discovered this page,  I look up information about this topics at least 1 time a week, and every time I discover new studies. I recomend this pa

My favourite place in Chile

Hi everyone! today I would like to share with you which is my favourite place in Chile. This place is La Serena. I love this place for many reasons. First, since I was little I always go on vacacions there, so I think that I know this place so well. What most I like about La Serena are its beaches, especially totoralillo, the sea in that place is fantastic. When I go on vacacion to La Serena, I usually stay there for 2 or 3 weeks, and I usually go with my family. The last summer, I went with my friends, because one of them has a house there, so we stay for a week. That week, I knew another parts, because when I go with my parents, they just want to be in the beach. With my friends went to eat to some differents restaurants, we went to party, and we did differents activities such riding on roller skates or taking a boad ride. If you don't know this place yet, I invite you to go, it's very beautiful and you won't regreat it.