My favourite place in Chile

Hi everyone! today I would like to share with you which is my favourite place in Chile. This place is La Serena. I love this place for many reasons. First, since I was little I always go on vacacions there, so I think that I know this place so well. What most I like about La Serena are its beaches, especially totoralillo, the sea in that place is fantastic.

When I go on vacacion to La Serena, I usually stay there for 2 or 3 weeks, and I usually go with my family. The last summer, I went with my friends, because one of them has a house there, so we stay for a week. That week, I knew another parts, because when I go with my parents, they just want to be in the beach. With my friends went to eat to some differents restaurants, we went to party, and we did differents activities such riding on roller skates or taking a boad ride.

If you don't know this place yet, I invite you to go, it's very beautiful and you won't regreat it.


  1. Totoralillo It's great, you can surf and practice climbing and the beach it's nice


  2. With my family we always think about going, it seems to me a very beautiful place

  3. I do not like Chile Beaches very much but that one looks very cool

  4. I have gone as 2 times to Totoralillo and it is a very beautiful place hahaha

  5. I understand you a lot, because I like very much the beach. I really want to know Totoralillo one day.

  6. I really like La serena! is one of my favourites place to go on vacation

  7. I love that place it's like my second favorite place, it's amazing


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