A career-related website that I enjoy visiting

Now that I'm in the university, it's so important that you use reliable and certified internet pages. One of my favourites pages to search information for is  SciELO. This page, has a lot of papers and articles about many things, a lot of them are experiments with animals, or studies based on people. I like this page because it's in Spanish, and it's easier for me to search for the information in cases of emergency.
I'm using this page so much because I have to make an ABP, that is an oral presentation about some topic that your teacher gives you. In my case, I have to talk about pesticides and malformations, and there isn't so much information about that, or at least, nothing concrete. For that reason, this page has helped me a lot, because it has a lot of experiments with animals and epidemiological studies. Since I discovered this page,  I look up information about this topics at least 1 time a week, and every time I discover new studies.
I recomend this page a lot, especially to university students. This is the link if you want to have more information about this website: https://www.scielo.org/es/


  1. I use the Scielo too. It has been very helpful for me when I looking information to my homework

  2. it's a very good page and has good information, I use it frequently in task

  3. I think that is important to find a certified page and this is one!

  4. very good page, I have used it and I loved it

  5. Scielo is a important website. I use it frequently for making my homework.

  6. This page is great, I have used it a few times and I really like it.


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