A subject I enjoyed studying this semester

The subject that I enjoyed studying this semester is chemistry. This subject is the science that study the composition, structure and properties of matter, and changes of energy that experiment the matter during a chemical reaction. This subject, it's useful specially in the medicine, because thanks to the chemistry, it's possible to create the medicines for many disseases.

I love this subject for many reasons. Fisrt, I have to say that I love study chemistry since I start to have this subject in the school. At the begging, it wasn't easy to me undersand this subject, because it was something new to me (the structure of the atom, the chemical reactions, and others). I really wanted to understand it, so I study very hard, until I finally did it. I think that it's importat understand this subject from the beginning, because if you don't understand the basic concepts, it's going to be so difficult understand the topics that will be seen in later years. I think that that it's the most important reason why I love study this subject, because I think that I have a good base in chemistry, and I understand what i'm doing when I do an exercise, and it's easier to me do it, although in the university, the chemistry it's most difficult than the chemistry in the school, so I have had studying a lot now to undersand it well, but entertains me to do it.

Resultado de imagen para ismael yevenes


  1. It is a very difficult subject and I am impressed that you like so much jajaja. When I was at school I also like it a lot.

  2. I think chemistry is personally the most difficult class but i manage to approved because a i have to go to every extra class available

  3. Of all subject I think this is the one that gives me the most work :), but it’s funy anyway.

  4. HAHAHA great picture! He teach very well and make the classes very nice and interesting.

  5. I love too this subject, I think is a interesting branch. But when I was studying this branch it seems to me very boring.

  6. I love chemistry so much that I'm going to repeat this subject on the next year :'(


  7. is the subject that I hate the most, I can not understand the topic that we passed

  8. I need to study more for this subject, it's real :c


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