
Mostrando las entradas de septiembre, 2019

A teacher that has inspired me

If I have to choose a teacher that really inspired me and that I really admired is my chemistry teacher that I had in school. I came to study in that school in 2013, and since that moment he became in my chemistry teacher until I finished my school stage. His name is Leandro Díaz. I have to say that at fist I don't like him very well, because he has a very particular personality and a humor that not many understand. Chemistry always was easy to me, and it was a subject where I got good grades, and for that reason I started to have a good relashionship with my teacher. In that moment I noticed that he was like one of us, maybe because he's young. Sometimes, with another two friends, we went to his classroom during recess and he told us anecdotes and he started talking about other teachers who didn't like him. He was so funny, and he always told me that he had a lot of faith in me. He always encouraged me to give the best of my. One of the most important things that I a

My best holidays ever.

My best holidays ever were when I went to La Serena with my friends last summer. We were there for a week and stayed in my friend's house. I went with my school friends, and we had planned this holidays for a long time, but we had never organized it. I have to say that I always go to La Serena with my family, but it is not the same to go with your family and go with your friends. With my friends, I made many things that I usually don't do with my parents, and knew a lot of places that I had never gone to. In the day, we usually went to the beach to enjoy the ocean and sunbathe and went to different restaurants to have lunch and taste different meals. At night we usually went to parties, and when we didn't do that, we spent time at home and cooked or played games. I think that has been my best holidays, because it was so comfortable spent time with my friends, I really enjoyed that holidays because we had talked about that so much time, and finally made it.

A country I'd like to visit

I've never been to another country, the only time that I visited another country was when I went to Bariloche with my classmates in my study tour, but it doesn't count because we didn't know the places so much. The country that I really want to go to is Greece. I'd like to visit it because I think that it's a beautiful place to go on holidays to rest and enjoy the view. I remember that I knew about this country for a movie that I saw when I was a child and it was filmed in this place, and since that moment I'm in love with this place. What I know about this country it's that is a very touristic place, with a very interesting history behind it, with a lot of wars and events that allowed it consolidate as the country that is it now. That's one of the reasons why I want to go there and one of the first things that I want to do: learn and know more about it and know more about their culture, besides know all the most iconic places, although the pla