A teacher that has inspired me

If I have to choose a teacher that really inspired me and that I really admired is my chemistry teacher that I had in school.

I came to study in that school in 2013, and since that moment he became in my chemistry teacher until I finished my school stage. His name is Leandro Díaz.

I have to say that at fist I don't like him very well, because he has a very particular personality and a humor that not many understand.

Chemistry always was easy to me, and it was a subject where I got good grades, and for that reason I started to have a good relashionship with my teacher. In that moment I noticed that he was like one of us, maybe because he's young. Sometimes, with another two friends, we went to his classroom during recess and he told us anecdotes and he started talking about other teachers who didn't like him. He was so funny, and he always told me that he had a lot of faith in me. He always encouraged me to give the best of my. One of the most important things that I admired about him, is that he never cared what the rest said, he always trusted himself , so no one could ever tear him down.


  1. I wish I would have had a chemistry teacher so, how lucky :)

  2. the chemistry teachers always have a ... unique personality

  3. What lucky, I remember having a teacher that was good teaching, but had a boring personality :c

  4. Ha ha ha you were so lucky, all my teachers of Chemistry were lousy.

  5. My chemistry Teacher was very good teaching too but with a special humor, I liked it a lot.

  6. my chemistry teacher was also very nice but very strict hahahaha


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